Gardening Supplies

This page is meant to help any upstarting or aspiring Cairene gardener identify good sources for supplies and tools in the city. Any opinions I express here are my own, and any recommendations or reviews I make are based strictly on my personal experience.

Ahmed Maher Street (تحت الربع)
My go-to destination for gardening supplies is Ahmed Maher Street in Islamic Cairo, more famously known by its former name Ta7t ElRab3 (تحت الربع). There I stock up on peat blocks, perlite, seeds, tools and about any thinkable gardening hardware.

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With time I might make specific shop recommendations; but generally it is useful to walk down the street to explore and compare the available goods and prices. The vendors are very friendly and quite helpful - they will gladly answer any inquiries and offer guidance to help you find your request if it's not available.
There also a number of traditional herbalists (عطارين) and wood lawn and and beach furniture workshops for which the street is famous.
If you have not been there before, take the time to simply stroll down street to explore what you can find there.

Another shop I frequent is the hardware store Dary. If you prefer the comfort of air-conditioned shopping space then this is a spot for you. You can find a large variety of plastic containers, gardening tools of varying qualities (ranging from obscure Chinese made ones to reputed German brands), and nice pots that are often on sale.

Traditional Herbalists (عطارين)
Traditional herbalists are treasure troves of ingredients you might need to prepare insecticidal soap like garlic powder, chili, and various oils. You get a very good money for value and perhaps also to chat with a knowledgeable herbalist too.